The Lotto Trap

Many people play the lottery because they want to take a chance for their dream. A dream of one day walking into their boss’s office and tell him/her that “I quit!” A dream of dedicating more time to their family, friends, and hobbies without worrying about bills and debts; A dream of traveling around the world with unlimited resources without any regrets. These dreams are what drive people to play the lottery, a chance to obtain the power to do what they want to do.

Like many people, I play the lottery for the same reason, a chance to fulfill my dreams. I have to admit that I am one of those people who play lottery on a consistent basic because I fell into the lotto trap when I join a lottery group at work. At first, I thought it was only a one-time thing, but what turn into a one-time thing turn into weeks and then months. I couldn’t stop not because I want to win the lottery so bad. I couldn’t stop because of the possibility “WHAT IF”. What if I stop contributing and the next week they won the lottery. I can’t imagine the feeling of regrets of not contributing the $5 for a chance to win millions. I couldn’t accept being in that position of being left out, I rather contribute $5 every week to avoid facing that possibility.

When I decided to join the lottery group at Parmalat, I made a financial commitment base on the present moment. I didn’t consider factors such as the probability of us actually winning the lottery and most of all I didn’t consider the amount I am investing each year. Five dollar per week seems like a small amount, but if we do the math, $5 per weeks equal to $20 a month which accumulate to $240 a year.  It adds up and the chances of winning the lottery are “Very Slim”.  However, I accept the reality that I joined and all I can do is hope that one day we will win the lottery. so, if you follow my weekly spending recap and see a $5 lottery expense, then you know why.

Did you join a lottery group recently?

About besmartwithyourmoney

Hello, my name is Victor. I started this blog so I can share my stories of how I achieve financial independence. I hope my blog can motivates people who are in debt to achieve financial independence and live a better lifestyle.
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5 Responses to The Lotto Trap

  1. Momma Star says:

    I must admit 😦 the lottery is my weak point. I can’t seem to say no when asked to join in on the pool, the thought of them winning and me not joining OHHHH NOOO! the possibilities… I can’t let that happen now can I? I don’t go out and buy my own however which I think is good, right? Just this past 6 months I have added up to over 300 spent on lottery tickets (color me shameful) it’s a trap just as you said… can’t win either way LOL

  2. I am glad there people out there like me, I rather pay the 5 dollar then to live with the regret, $300 for 6 month that quite a lot, how many lottery group did you join. Yeah i only play with one group at work but there like other people from other department that tries to get me and I just refuse. As long as I never started. I have no regret because I didn’t contribute. But once you start, it hard to stop. Heh, you never know if you will win, did you hear the new where a group of bell employees win the jackpot.

  3. Pingback: Weekly Spending Recap – April 4- April 10 2011 |

  4. Pingback: What Would You Do If You Win The Lottery? |

  5. Pingback: New Monthly Budget Effectively September 1st, 2011 |

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