Weekly Spending Recap – April 4- April 10 2011

Monday April 4, 2011


Tuesday April 5, 2011

  • Jacket: $90.34 (If you read my post “Sometime you just got to spend” you will know why I brought this jacket)
  • Dinner at Spring Rolls: – $37
  • Groceries12.00

Wednesday April 6, 2011

  • Lottery: – $20 (If you read my post “The Lotto Trap” you will know why I spend the $20)

Thursday April 7, 2011


Friday April 8, 2011


Saturday April 9, 2011

  • Mr.Slovakia: – $7.50
  • Korean BBQ: – $25.54

Sunday April 10, 2011


Total Expenses for this week:   $- 192.38

This is my first weekly spending recap for my blog.  I would like to give credit to Krystal Yee from Give Me Back My Five Bucks for sharing her method of keeping track of spending with this weekly spending recap setup. It really help me organize my budget and keep track of how much I spend each week.

I have to admit, my first weekly spending recap isn’t a good start at all.  I budgeted  $100 per month for personal spending which include dining out and personal purchases. I have spend over $100 in one week.   I spend $ 90.34 on a sports jacket which I really like. I went out to eat twice this week, one at Spring Roll ($37) which I treat my friend San for helping me with my blog. Then, on Saturday I had Mr.  Slovakia ($7.50) for lunch because I didn’t have time to go to Super Market to Shop for groceries to pack for lunch. Also, I went to eat Korean BBQ ($25.54) for dinner with a friend because I haven’t have Korean BBQ for  a while.

On a normal  week, I would be extremely disappointed if I had spend that much in one week. But, if you have been following my post lately, you would know that the last two days I have receive some new sources of income which includes my tax refund, Wal-Mart Profit sharing, Parmalat pay cheque, Apple One Cheque, and Gst pay cheque. With these new sources of income, I was able to trim my student loan down to  approximately $7,000.  I have use the Apple One cheque of $446 to offset the above expenses  and use the rest as personal spending for the month of April. So now, I have another $100 for my personal spending from now till the end of the month.

Overall, I think I did pretty good this week. I think I deserve to spoil myself with the new source of income since I hardly spend on myself. I will try to stick on my budget for next week.

About besmartwithyourmoney

Hello, my name is Victor. I started this blog so I can share my stories of how I achieve financial independence. I hope my blog can motivates people who are in debt to achieve financial independence and live a better lifestyle.
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1 Response to Weekly Spending Recap – April 4- April 10 2011

  1. Momma Star says:

    Don’t be too hard on yourself. Many has told me that the first month should be a trial month. You didn’t do that bad 🙂

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